10 Tips To Get That Glossy Hair, Even Without That Oily Scalp Treatment in Singapore


Having greasy hair and getting an oily scalp treatment in Singapore is a hassle and you may have experienced trying to fix this issue by putting a ton of products on your scalp but no matter what happens, your hair looks greasy. But did you know? An oily scalp is the cause of oily hair. It may be quite a task to have fresh and glossy hair without having a greasy scalp, especially with Singapore’s humid climate. With the right approach, you can achieve glossy hair without causing an oil buildup. Here are ten tips to help you get fresh and glossy hair without the greasy scalp:

Tip #1: Choose the Right Shampoo

If you’re addressing the oiliness of your scalp, you should buy shampoos with formulas that cleanse it without stripping your head of its natural oils. Given Singapore’s warm and humid climate, you should choose hair care products in Singapore specifically designed for this climate. Avoid shampoos with harsh chemicals that can exacerbate oil production.

Tip #2: Condition Carefully

When you use shampoos, you must concentrate on massaging it to the midsection of your hair to the roots and scalp. Conditioning is necessary for you to have glossy hair, but as much as possible avoid getting this on your scalp. Apply conditioner from the mid-lengths to the ends of your hair to moisturise your hair without adding extra oil to your scalp. Don’t forget to rinse thoroughly to prevent residue buildup leading to dandruff.

Tip #3: Incorporate a Weekly Hair Mask

Use a hair mask that contains organic ingredients like argan oil or aloe vera at least once a week. These ingredients are known for their hydrating properties and in a lot of regularly used products that are easily found in your local beauty store. Without making your scalp greasy, hair masks will improve your scalp’s health and enhance hair regrowth in Singapore.

Tip #4: Rinse with Cool Water

For people who like warm showers, you might be hesitant to try this but rinsing your hair with cool water will help seal the cuticle, making your hair look shinier. If you cannot bear cold showers, you can still use warm water and just rinse with cold water. Doing this will help reduce the amount of oil your scalp produces.

Tip #5: Avoid Over-Washing

During the hot summer, you may tend to take more frequent showers but actually, washing your hair too much can strip it of natural oils. Overwashing prompts your scalp to produce even more oil. Aim to wash your hair two to three times a week, depending on your hair type and lifestyle. This routine will keep your scalp clean and keep your hair glossy.

Tip #6: Use Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo is a popular product amongst people in a rush and those who have bleached and brightly coloured hair. Using dry shampoos absorbs excess oil and adds volume to your hair which contributes not only to the health of your hair but also its aesthetic. Try dry shampoos to keep your hair looking fresh and glossy without the greasiness.

Tip #7: Mind Your Diet

A good diet plays a significant role in the health of your whole body including your hair. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals are good for your hair and scalp. Regularly consuming food with these nutrients will serve as anoily scalp and hair loss treatment. Of course, don’t forget to stay hydrated to avoid having a dry scalp and dull hair.

Tip #8: Avoid Heat Styling

Using flat or curling irons to style your hair is okay since it’s the most effective method to shape your hair the way you want it. However, using these heat styling tools frequently can damage your hair and make it dry and brittle. Even though it makes your hair dry and brittle, it increases the oil production on your scalp. When your hair becomes too hot, the body’s natural response is to produce sweat or oil to keep it cool. Before using these styling tools after you shower, air dry your hair first then use a heat protectant spray.

Tip #9: Regular Scalp Treatments

You deserve pampering every once in a while! Treat yourself to a professional salon treatment to help regulate the oil production in your scalp and have healthy hair growth. Hair specialists offer a variety of treatments so look for an oily scalp treatment in Singaporethat will thoroughly soothe your scalp without making it dry. During these sessions, clinics use a microscope before the treatment process so that you can also examine the condition of your hair. It’s very satisfying to see the results because you can see how clear and hydrated your scalp has become.

Tip #10: Trim Regularly

We know you feel bad about cutting your hair especially if you’re trying to grow it. And it’s traumatising to experience getting a huge chunk of your hair cut off when you only asked for a trim – we get it! But losing at least an inch is necessary to maintain healthy, glossy hair. Go to a salon you trust and ask them to trim your hair only a bit to get rid of split ends. Doing this every six to eight weeks prevents damage and contributes significantly to the overall shine and appearance of your hair.

These are tips you can do to achieve glossy hair without a greasy scalp and as you can tell, it’s mainly just finding the right balance in your hair care routine. Avoid other issues like hair loss and oily scalp.

It’s not hard to achieve glossy hair without a greasy scalp with thehelp of Bee Choo! Learn how to balance your hair care routine using the right products we recommend.

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